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Puls turns 40

Gyllene Tider’s ”Puls” turns 40! Yes indeed it does, even though it feels like a few years ago it was released. Read the full story...

Per Gessle hosts Apple Music’s Pure Throwback Radio “Movie Hits Essentials”

Per Gessle hosts Apple Music's Pure Throwback Radio "Movie Hits Essentials" -- Have you ever found yourself sitting around, staring at the wall, and thinking, “I wonder what Per Gessle’s favorite James Bond theme is?” Read the full story...

Sommartider hej hej!

And just a couple of days later we get Sommartider (Remix ’89) on Spotify. And not one remix, but two! Lång and Kort sommar! Read the full story...

PG Roxette releasing the first single

Roxette's story came to a tragic end in 2019, when Marie passed away. Read the full story...

Flickorna på TV2 (Remix ’89)

Gyllene Tider’s anniversary single Flickorna på TV2 (Remix ’89), heavily remixed by Anders Herrlin, is finally out digitally. It wasn’t even released on CD back in 1989 and the 12″, released in September,  was very limited. Read the full story...

Per Gessle Unplugged. A review

Some thoughts about a very unique tour Read the full story...

First leak: PG Roxette is back: the new album “Radio Revival”

Spoiler alert: If you're curious, here's all you need to know about the forthcoming album. We highly doubt that Per will share this... Read the full story...

An era is over. Another one is born.

With the birth of PG Roxette, Per Gessle will continue the adventure he and Marie Fredriksson began, just over 35 years ago. Together with members from the classic Roxette band and a sound echoing somewhere between "Look Sharp!" and "Joyride" Gessle returns to the musical peak of his life – with a new album and plans for a tour.  Read the full story...

Mer info om provspelning inför Gyllene Tider-filmen

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Gyllene Tider-filmen!

Mellan 18-20:e mars kommer Nord Casting att befinna sig i Halmstad för att hålla öppen casting för filmen om Gyllene Tider. Så ni tjejer/killar i åldern 18-25 med naturlig halländsk dialekt, gör er beredda. Vi vill träffa er alla. Mer info kommer inom ... Read the full story...

The Per Gessle Xmas interview 2021

It's been a while since we interviewed the busy man called Per. Therefore, with his tonsillitis, we grabbed him and asked him about his favorite poems. Read the full story...

Is this actually the best tour Per Gessle has ever done?

Per can fill stadiums and parks if he wants to. But entertaining just a few hundred people in a small cinema, this is yet another level of performance. Let's have a look. Read the full story...

Gyllene Tider becomes a film

The story of Gyllene Tider becomes a motion picture. Nordic drama production company Nevis Productions has secured a deal with Sweden’s national treasure, Gyllene Tider to make a theatrical movie and a TV-series based on the band’s incredible rise to fame and success. In 1978, Per Gessle and Mats Persson formed Gyllene Tider with Micke … Read the full story...

Per Gessle owned Gävle

GÄVLE - The third gig on the fall tour took place in Gävle, the most northern part of the "Swedish" tour. Which in reality means that more than 60 % of Sweden is left without Per. Read the full story...

The epic album Pearls of Passion turns 35

35 years ago a very important album was released. Important how you may wonder? Did it sell millions? Did it make waves? Was it extensively talked about? Read the full story...

The Never Ending 80s new single

Australia’s most pre-eminent 80s tribute band, The Never Ending 80s, has launched its first ever video podcast to coincide with the release of their brand new single; a recording of “The Look”. Read the full story...

Joyride 30 is soon here

The Joyride 30th anniversary box with the whole story, demos and unreleased material will be released on November 26. But already tomorrow, October 8, the single "Small Talk" will be released with two previously unreleased versions of "Small Talk" and "Hotblooded" Read the full story...

Roxette live in St. Louis, USA

Quietly, without any fanfare nor warning - an incredible Roxette historical artefact has surfaced on YouTube in the last week or so - it is the band's concert from Fox Theatre in St. Louis Missouri, USA from 1992 as part of their epic "Join The Joyride" World Tour.  Read the full story...

Per Gessle – Unplugged #4

HALMSTAD - When Per Gessle decided to do this series of concerts, I would imagine it was a major relief for him. Read the full story...

Per Gessle – Unplugged #3

HALMSTAD - Nothing much to add, except that Per added another two tracks to the set list. Read the full story...

Unplugged premiere

HALMSTAD - In just about two hours the first Unplugged concert out of 10 will start. Read the full story...

The King of Sand at Tylösand

8 unplugged gigs become 10! Read the full story...

Christoffer in Anti-COVID-19 campaign

According to Swedish music magazine, Christoffer is now stepping onto the political stage with a new song. Read the full story...

Per’s secret master plan finally revealed

Have you ever wondered about album titles like Look Sharp!, Tourism, HAND or Travelling but somehow these songs never existed? Here is why! Read the full story...

Joyride the album 30 years

Roxette's extremely successful album "Joyride" turns 30 years old today. We will share some thoughts about the album, what it meant to us. A review of the box will come this fall. Read the full story...


Micke Syd 60!

Micke Syd Andersson - born in Harplinge, today in 1961! The prankster of Gyllene Tider has finally matured. (Or has he?) Read the full story...

Gyllene Tider – Moderna Tider 40 year anniversary

Yikes, what happened? I remember succumbing to the album, hating it from the beginning, but Sweden’s only radio station P3, and Sweden's only TV channel played the album literally back to back all day long so what could you do? Read the full story...

Joyride 30 year anniversary!

Today is no ordinary day. No today it's 30 years ago "Joyride" was released. And what a smash it was! Read the full story...

Trix in the Mix

At first I thought that there existed around 30, 40 remix versions of Roxette hits, but when I dove into my collection and Wikipedia I could find at least 100 different remixes of Roxette recordings. Read the full story...

Roxette’s drummer Pelle Alsing passed away yesterday

Per Gunnar Alsing, known to us as Pelle, Roxette's drummer for many years both in the studios and on tour, passed away yesterday. Read the full story...

A quick Trix 2 update

Thanks for all the comments on the article.  It’s been really interesting to read all of them. Read the full story...

Bag of Trix – Part 2 – Volumes 5 – 8 The Lost Songs

Now that the Bag of Trix is finally out in the world, it’s made me think about how lucky we are as fans, in the respect that Per is just as big of a geek as we all are when it comes to loving demos, alternative and live recordings, remixes and outtakes.   Read the full story...