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I am a slow walker, but I never walk back. Abraham Lincoln said that, I really like it. Only two days away now…

Marie Fredriksson

19 november hyllas Marie av Lise & Gertrud på Scalateatern! Biljetter:


Lise&Gertrud sjunger och spelar världshits på ett humoristiskt och träffsäkert sätt. Se spelschema under Events.

Marie is, as always, very grateful for the thoughts you send her on line and in letters. It is, however, impossible to answer all of these in person so please accept her thanks here. Equally, requests for autographs and signed things is also overwhelming and impossible to carry out so please refrain from sending these. Our warmest regards and hope for your understanding. /team MF

Through the years I had my share of celebrations; birthdays, chart positions and awards and it's been amazing! I have also attended a lot of release parties, after show parties and so on. Now I have the joy of celebrating my own 60th birthday and this time I've chosen to do this quiet mode with only my closest, my dear family and I’m really looking forward to it. To release a song on my birthday is my way to show gratitude for all the love you’ve given me through the years. This is my 60 year birthday present to myself and to all of you out there - Sing Me a Song. Love - Marie

Sing Me a Song

You all guessed right, of course I wanted to have a video for ’I Want to Go’. Follow me on my journey through the American landscape. Hope you like it. Click on the link to see full video ->

Marie Fredriksson - I Want to Go

Check out my official Spotify playlist, This is: Marie Fredriksson. Here you can find my new single and lots of more classics.

This is: Marie Fredriksson, a playlist by Spotify

Det handlar om en gudabenådad röst, stora känslor, makalös framgång och revansch mot alla odds. Det handlar om Marie Fredriksson.

I’m so happy to receive all your kind words about my single. I would also like to thank Spotify for their huge support in adding 'I Want To Go' to playlists as well. I’m amazed. Love/Marie


Marie Fredriksson i fokus. ? Just nu är hon aktuell med tolkning av bluesgitarristen J. B. Lenoirs ”I Want To Go”. Lyssna här:

Finally - I Want To Go - has arrived. I am so happy. You can use the link below to find it. Lots of love for all your support / Marie

I Want To Go

I am a slow walker, but I never walk back. Abraham Lincoln said that, I really like it. Only two days away now…

Marie Fredriksson

I can’t wait to share new music with you all and guess what, we're only four days away. Save the date, 17 November.

#throwbackthursday Remember the autumn days, now they are here again. Perhaps with a new song this time?

I have compiled a special Spotify playlist for you to go with my very first jazz release ever, the single Alone Again. These are songs which have inspired me on my journey through jazz. It consists of wonderful gems from Chet Baker all the way to Norah Jones. Check it out here:

Timeline Photos

I'm so proud of all the music I have released over the years. You'll find some of it on my very own Spotify playlist. Go there and remember with me:

This is: Marie Fredriksson, a playlist by Spotify

Det handlar om en gudabenådad röst, stora känslor, makalös framgång och revansch mot alla odds. Det handlar om Marie Fredriksson.

Thanks so much for all your messages, flowers, gifts and greetings! So grateful and happy!

Timeline Photos

Today is the release of a song that is very close to my heart. For years I've been wanting to get into jazz & blues, back to my roots. To be able to do this with these fantastic musicians, Max Schultz and Magnus Lindgren is a real treat and an honour. Hope you'll love it as much as I do.

Marie Fredriksson - Alone Again

I'm so happy and excited to present my new project to you tomorrow, on my birthday… I hope you'll like it. Thanks so much for your endless love and support – it means so much to me!

Timeline Photos

Interview with Marie in Stern! /Team MF

Photos from Marie Fredriksson's post

Monday November 21st is the release date for Marie's book in German. Yeay - make a note in your diaries!/team MF

Timeline Photos

If you haven't seen the video of "It Just Happens" here it is. If you have - it's worth watching again!/Team MF

Roxette – It Just Happens (Official Music Video)

“It Just Happens” is the first single from the brand new Roxette album “Good Karma” out June 3rd 2016. Listen to “It Just Happens”:

Marie is absolutely overwhelmed and so grateful for all your thoughts, gifts and all the beautiful flowers she has received on her birthday. Here's a little greeting from her!/team MF

Happy birthday Marie! Wishing you a wonderful day! /team MF

Timeline Photos

I am so touched by your thoughts, your words and your endless love that you have shared since the cancelling of Roxette’s summer tour was announced. Eventually all good things must come to an end, and though I love being on stage, meeting our fans, I don't have the strength for the touring life any more. It’s as simple as that. Per and I now look forward to the release of our new album "Good Karma”. We really love it – hope you will too! Love from Marie.


SKAPELSEN <3 MARIE I går kom beskedet att Roxette slutar turnera. I dag hyllar #Skapelsen Marie Fredriksson! Vilket är ditt bästa minne från Maries 30+ år på scen? Dela med dig i kommentarerna.

"Tack alla som kom till dagens signering - från när och fjärran! Och tusen tack för alla vackra blommor och presenter - mycket glad!" Marie Fredriksson

Timeline Photos

Den fina intervjun från TV4 i morse. Snart NK!/Tem MF

Möte med Marie Fredriksson och Helena von Zweigbergk

Författaren Helena von Zweigbergk har skrivit boken om Marie Fredrikssons liv. Jesper Börjesson har träffat de två som under arbetet gång blivit goda vänner.

Hej allesammans! Vi vill påminna om att nu på lördag den 5e december kl.13.00 kommer Marie Fredriksson och Helena von Zweigbergk signera boken "Kärleken till livet" på NK i Stockholm. Varmt välkomna! //Team MF

NK BOKHANDEL. - Nordiska Kompaniet

Välkommen till NK Bokhandel för att lyssna till inspirerande samtal och berättelser av några av Sveriges mest kända författare. Eventen är kostnadsfria. Se höstens program nedan.

Marie och Helena pratar om boken med Jesper Börjesson i Nyhetsmorgon på lördag. TV4 kl. 10.15. Väldigt fint samtal - missa inte! /Team MF

Timeline Photos