Remembrance book for Marie Fredriksson

Dear fellow friends, dear fans of Marie Fredriksson, dear Roxette fans, dear kind people in this world,

our friend Marie has passed away on December 9, and many, many people in the world are heartbroken and would like to express their feelings. Not everyone can do so on the social media, not everyone can do so by coming to Sweden and signing the official remembrance book laid out in Stockholm.

We want to collect your thoughts, your grieve, but also your finest memories with Marie here. Please write down what you always wanted to say to her, we will collect each single entry of yours, put them into one single book and send it over to Marie’s family to show them how much she made this world better through you.

Thank you.

[All entries made before January 1, 2020 were taken over for the book. You will still be able to add your messages now but we cannot consider them for the book to Marie’s family anymore as it has been printed by now.]

The Daily Roxette had one copy of the book printed early January 2020 and handed it over to Marie Dimberg, Roxette’s manager and a very good friend of Marie Fredriksson and her family, in Göteborg on January 20, 2020. The printed version of the book is nearly 800 pages thick and it has a white cover. Its title “Tack för allt Marie” (Thank you for everything Marie) is written in silver and red letters on its sleeve.
Here you see some quick photos of the book, sadly there has never been a chance to take proper photos of this one copy as it arrived just before the evening we headed to Göteborg for the “En kväll för Marie Fredriksson” show.

If you are interested, you can download a simplified version (the printed version contains a few more blank pages to separate the chapters, for instance) of the book with all entries right here.
The entries are sorted alphabetically by names, this file is also searchable.
Entries with non-latin character sets are at the very end of the book. Most URLs have been removed as they make little sense in a printed book.

Download the file “TackForAlltMarieByTDR.pdf”

Write a new entry for Marie's remembrance book

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6648 entries.
Miguel Reyes from Zacatecas, Mexico wrote on February 8, 2025 at 23:33
ROXETTE, the best that Sweden offers to the musical world besides ABBA and ACE OF BASE. Great music. Thank you Marie for your songs and your talent, rest in peace.
Zuleika from Adelaide, South Australia wrote on February 8, 2025 at 06:52
9th December 2019 was a difficult day for me. It was the day my dad passed away, my emotions were wrecked. I heard about Marie three days later. People are shocked when I give the the date that Marie passed away off the top of my head. But she is a huge loss. I'm 38 and my sisters got me into Roxette when i was little. I would perform songs as a 3-5 year old acting out Marie's part from all the music video clips. Marie is truly missed by one of her biggest fans.
Frankie from NYC wrote on January 27, 2025 at 21:27
Thanks Marie for the gift you gave us! Saw you at the Beacon Theater in your last tour. You were amazing.
Miguel Mellado Suazo from Temuco, Chile wrote on January 16, 2025 at 20:40
Es una pena enorme que se haya ido de este mundo una excelente cantante, tu música y tu voz seguirá traspasando fronteras y pasando por generaciones, yo conocí la banda aprox año 1996 y hasta el día de hoy los escucho de manera permanente, están en mi playlist por siempre, siempre desee verlos en algún concierto pero lamentablemente nunca se pudo concretar. abrazo al Cielo Marie y abrazos a Per, la vida continua y hay que seguir haciendo magia.
Michael Miller from Midlothian wrote on December 22, 2024 at 04:45
I am saddened to learn of Marie's passing. Sorry so late to the game. Was a big fan of Roxette back in the day. I will always "Listen to my heart" thanks to her. R.I.P. Marie.... Godspeed.
Matthias Förtsch from Arnstorf wrote on December 17, 2024 at 20:36
Ich bin schon seit einigen Jahren Fan von Roxette. Schließlich hat man ja was gemeinsam, allerdings habe ich noch nie vorher die Webseite von Roxette geschaut! Da habe ich diese emotionale Nachricht vom Per gelesen, Da kann man so richtig nachvollziehen was Marie für Per für eine Bedeutung hatte. Auf jeden Fall werde ich zu meinem 40. Geburtstag und dem Gründungsjahr von Roxette eine Erinnerung an die geniale Gruppe gedacht werden kann! Ein großes Herz für Roxette
Maksym from Kiyv, Ukraine wrote on December 11, 2024 at 08:12
Спасибо за творчество. С Roxette связаны лучшие воспоминания!. Как жаль, что уходят такие талантливые.......
Michele Ciarciello from Montreal (Quebec), Canada wrote on December 9, 2024 at 03:37
Thank you for letting us hear your beautiful voice. Marie Fredriksson lives forever !
Stephen Roberts from Runcorn, Cheshire, UK. wrote on December 5, 2024 at 18:38
I loved Roxette. Still love them, but sadly our Marie has gone. We can still play and hear her beautiful voice singing those wonderful songs. A tragic loss to the world of pop and rock music. I really miss her.
Eddie from Osterode wrote on November 2, 2024 at 14:13
He Leute Ich bin schon lange Fan von Roxette und natürlich auch Marie. Ich habe sie leider nur 2 mal Live erlebt. Das letzte Mal war sie leider schon sehr krank und hat tapfer durchgehalten.Wir sind große Fans und lieben ihre Musik for ever. Ruhe in Frieden, Marie.🌞💪💝
Zarko Pinkas from Ramat Israel wrote on November 1, 2024 at 02:12
Дмитрий from Калининград wrote on October 6, 2024 at 21:23
Я помню все ее песни и мои дети тоже их знают. Это не просто песни времени, это целая эпоха в которую попад я и моя супруга, с которой я живу уже более 20 лет. Очень жаль, что талант так рано уходит, но ее голос всегда с нами в ее присутствии снчз. Которые звучат в наших сердцах
Alisa from Moscow wrote on October 4, 2024 at 18:15
я была рада всему, чего достиглась Roxette. все хиты, песни, альбомы приносят мне детство. я из 2015 года, как так меня с ней познакомили хитами. я горжусь ею. 🎀 жалко, что она прожила мало, притом она могла записать больше хитов. жалко.. скорбим. помним. любим. 💗😘❤💖💓💕💞😭
MichaelWinter from Maastricht wrote on September 22, 2024 at 19:28
Marie You brought joy to my heart since 1989. May you fly with the angels in heaven.
Josie Mincey from Philadelphia wrote on September 9, 2024 at 21:13
Even though I never got the chance to see you live, just listening to Roxette makes me emotional, I can't help but feel a deep connection and feel a sense of sadness, I'm glad I found Roxette and that I can feel this deep connection to music and I'm writing a history report on Marie, I'm glad I can bring some Roxette history to a class of people who don't know the joy of Roxette and the emotions I feel when listening to them. Thank you for everything Marie, Fly high!
Adrian Madaras from Düsseldorf wrote on August 11, 2024 at 19:22
Your music inspired all of us. I hope you find peace in the afterlife! Silver blue for you!
Ma. Rossana Villarroel from Alicante wrote on May 1, 2024 at 22:19
Hoy haceindo un trabajo de clase a mis casi 50 años, me dicen que haga un trabajo de mi grupo favorito y no lo pense dos veces y escribí de Roxette que me a compañado todos este tiempo, que cuando me siento triste y quiero llorar pongo THE LOOK y ahi se me va todo por que me lleva a los mejore monetos de mi vida la adolesencia donde todo ese mundo era precioso. Se que ocupas un lugar en mi corzón por que esto si FUE AMOR . Gracias por todas esa canción y gracias por haber exitido. Hasta siempre Marie.
[email protected] from Garanhuns wrote on April 20, 2024 at 06:05
Marie, nunca pensei ter a oportunidade de poder escrever algo para você em vida, mas mesmo que simbolicamente eu possa escrever por aqui após sua partida, gostaria de te dizer que estás bem viva dentro de mim!. Lembro sempre de você e do quanto você marcou passagens em minha vida. Me recordo que me incentivastes à entrar no curso de inglês ao lançamento de "Joyride". Me embalastes nas noites ao colar os ouvidos no rádio, quando eu deveria estar dormindo. Eu esperava ansiosamente por sua voz! Eu também achava linda a elegância dos seus gestos e das suas mãos enquanto cantava e quando eu tinha a oportunidade em te ver na Tv! Te carreguei como trilha sonora de meus relacionamentos e me inspirastes, acredite, à estudar mais sobre o cérebro a partir da sua imensurável luta. Hoje, tenho um filho que ama te ouvir! Agradeço imensamente a sua passagem nesta Terra, fizestes um trabalho maravilhoso e deixastes um legado eterno. Que a sua energia doce ecoe por muito tempo em nossos corações e ultrapasse as gerações!
Wissam Kabbani from Windsor wrote on April 14, 2024 at 06:50
Roxette, every time I listen to your music to your voice and every time I see you singing you take me back years in time and I start crying like a child wishing that that was lovely unforgettable days come back. Roxette, may your soul rest in peace.
Henning from Ahlhorn wrote on March 23, 2024 at 20:21
Roxette's songs move my thoughts: My first great love (Nina) made me listen to Roxette and all the beautiful and sad memories come alive again in memories when I listen to the beautiful, sad and rocking songs. Thank you for everything, my lost love and the lost time live on in your songs.