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  ★ TDR Archive for November 1st, 2018

MOSCOW. Yes, back at the Crocus City Hall and had a blast. Thanks everyone for showing up and making us feel very welcome indeed. Love to play here. Hope to come back very soon. Thanks all you Russian fans for your endless support and beautiful voices. Vids to come. Cheers from P.

Is there a party in your head? If so, we hope it never ends! Happy Birthday, Colin of TDR!! /K

19 november hyllas Marie av Lise & Gertrud på Scalateatern! Biljetter:


Lise&Gertrud sjunger och spelar världshits på ett humoristiskt och träffsäkert sätt. Se spelschema under Events.

Moscow tonite! Should be a blast! Band in top shape after a couple of days of Russian treats. Found this picture of me being the hot dog dealer at Hotel Tylösand after the Halmstad show recently. New day job after the tour? Cheers, P.