Remembrance book for Marie Fredriksson

Dear fellow friends, dear fans of Marie Fredriksson, dear Roxette fans, dear kind people in this world,

our friend Marie has passed away on December 9, and many, many people in the world are heartbroken and would like to express their feelings. Not everyone can do so on the social media, not everyone can do so by coming to Sweden and signing the official remembrance book laid out in Stockholm.

We want to collect your thoughts, your grieve, but also your finest memories with Marie here. Please write down what you always wanted to say to her, we will collect each single entry of yours, put them into one single book and send it over to Marie’s family to show them how much she made this world better through you.

Thank you.

[All entries made before January 1, 2020 were taken over for the book. You will still be able to add your messages now but we cannot consider them for the book to Marie’s family anymore as it has been printed by now.]

The Daily Roxette had one copy of the book printed early January 2020 and handed it over to Marie Dimberg, Roxette’s manager and a very good friend of Marie Fredriksson and her family, in Göteborg on January 20, 2020. The printed version of the book is nearly 800 pages thick and it has a white cover. Its title “Tack för allt Marie” (Thank you for everything Marie) is written in silver and red letters on its sleeve.
Here you see some quick photos of the book, sadly there has never been a chance to take proper photos of this one copy as it arrived just before the evening we headed to Göteborg for the “En kväll för Marie Fredriksson” show.

If you are interested, you can download a simplified version (the printed version contains a few more blank pages to separate the chapters, for instance) of the book with all entries right here.
The entries are sorted alphabetically by names, this file is also searchable.
Entries with non-latin character sets are at the very end of the book. Most URLs have been removed as they make little sense in a printed book.

Download the file “TackForAlltMarieByTDR.pdf”

Write a new entry for Marie's remembrance book

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We reserve the right to edit, delete, or not publish entries.
6648 entries.
Marco from Daejeon wrote on May 25, 2023 at 12:58
I believe that God will take good care of you. I wish you roxette peace.
Fer Cardone from Warsaw wrote on May 9, 2023 at 13:23
I found the vinyl album "Look sharp!" a couple of days ago in a shop in Warsaw!, I was 13 years old when I bought my first copy in Mexico. Marie, your legacy will always be with us, your incomparable voice always rings in my head just remembering any song, Roxette! One of the best bands ever! We love you! May 9, 2023.
Rox Rox Lima from LIMA wrote on May 6, 2023 at 05:14
Ivan Cassilhas from São Paulo - Brasil wrote on April 28, 2023 at 06:18
Longing is a feeling that, when it doesn't fit in the heart, runs through the eyes. I love you!
Cid Muniz from Curitiba - Paraná/Brasil wrote on April 19, 2023 at 23:09
Agradeço a você Marie por te dado um pouco mais de sentido à minha vida através da sua voz. Sempre estarás em meu coração. Agora quem aprecia sua doce voz são os anjos. Obrigado.
Dr. David English from Portland Oregon wrote on April 11, 2023 at 13:28
I have been a fan of Roxette for so many years and it is sad that Marie has left us. Both of you have brought joy to the world through your music. My favorite two songs are Joyride and It Must have been Love. The latter because I remember hearing it in the movie theater in 1990 for the first time. The former because of that beautiful whistling section toward the end of the song. Every time I hear the song Joyride I whistle with the song. I just hope it makes Marie smile up there in the clouds.
Nestor Lorenzon from Oro Verde - Entre Rios - Argentina wrote on March 28, 2023 at 19:38
Gracias por su musica, acompañaron la mejor etapa de mi vida. Puede verte en la Ciudad de Rosario en 2011. Fue una Gran Noche. GRACIASSS
Stevethevirgin from Utica wrote on February 25, 2023 at 04:02
Hello I am a 50 year old virgin who loves the music of roxette for 30 years
Dmitrijs from Riga wrote on February 22, 2023 at 14:52
Ты достигла Вечности ♥️
RICARDO LIMA SANTOS from SALVADOR BA wrote on February 21, 2023 at 22:55
marie vai fazer falta com sua bela voz e canções maravilhosas, a minha preferida se chama it judt hsppens....que sua alma esteja com nosso senhor.
Michal from Darlowo, Poland wrote on February 17, 2023 at 06:36
Marie, How Do You Do? I hope You are singing there, wherever You are......
Cheryl from Norwich wrote on February 13, 2023 at 21:02
I miss you Marie!! "What in the world can make a brown-eyed girl turn blue? When everything I'll ever do, I'll do for you And I go, "LaLaLaLaLa" She's got the look." ❤️🦋❣️
Atul from DELHI wrote on February 11, 2023 at 19:06
I have been a fan for the movie "Pretty Woman" and its song "It must have been love". Thanks for such a beautiful song and its music... loves hearing it.. RIP Marie..
Jerry from Coventry wrote on February 7, 2023 at 22:14
Thank you for such vocals, emotion, passion and lyrics, but most of all, thanks you so much for giving me an and girlfriend (of 31 years) and now my wife, a moment in time when we discovered teh right music for us at the right time. .... Listen to your heart? You made me do it. RIP Marie
David Green from Grimsby uk wrote on February 1, 2023 at 19:06
dear marie .you are so missed in this world .your beautiful voice your beautiful singing .rip lovely lady where ever you are xx
CLAUDIO EDUARDO GUANDALIN from Marilândia do Sul, Pr - Brasil wrote on January 11, 2023 at 04:12
Uma voz sem comparação, abrilhantou lindas canções que embalaram minhas madrugas. Até hoje ouço essas canções e não me canso. Canções que me leva de volta a minha juventude.
Jose from Miami wrote on January 8, 2023 at 02:56
My first first first song that I loved that much was “dangerous “ still shaking my soul every time I listen to it, brings me back to my teenage years. Thanks Marie, thanks Roxxete, for bring such a magic in our lives, thanks for let us experience the beauty of music, the beauty of life. You are going to be missed forever.
Christopher McManus from Sydney wrote on December 27, 2022 at 00:40
I will always remember how much emotion and sincerity with which she always sang. There always was a certain magic she brought to each and every song and although I never actually met her in person I remember thinking that her loving, friendly and genuine nature came out through her performances. I saw Roxette perform twice in Sydney. Once before her terrible illness and then again when she had been diagnosed and both times it was wonderful and a privilege to see her as she gave her performances all she could and the magic was there both times. Roxette's music has always been a big part of my life because of Marie and Per's talent and the magic they bring to a song and will forever be in my heart as will Marie and my heart goes out to all that loved her but especially her family and to Per who all must miss her more than terribly but I know as long as I am around I shall certainly always remember and miss her not only for her beautiful voice but her beautiful presence and personality that always seemed to shine through.
Claudio M Santos from São Paulo - Brazil wrote on December 19, 2022 at 23:49
Obrigado Marie Roxette pelas lindas canções e pelos momentos felizes em escutar sua voz enquanto nós podíamos ! Sempre em nossos corações e quando eu puder desperdiçar meu tempo eu vou escutar Roxette ! Saudades 😿
Dan Donato from Adelaide wrote on December 11, 2022 at 01:54
Thankyou Marie for your beautiful voice and all your work with Roxette. We are forever grateful. We dedicate this tribute to you - With respect and love - Dan & Pina