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  ★ TDR Archive for September 3rd, 2019

Latest from Per: "New tough Gyllene Tider compilation with hits and unreleased material in the can folks! PS. And the live album from this summer will be fab. A nice little band..."

GT40 for 40. #37 Du är en gangster, älskling! (You are a Gangster, Honey!): Per: “The legendary tape was finally found after being MIA for 13 years! Was recorded for the "Puls" album but was left off and is some sort of tour homage with Niklas Strömstedt whispering in the background. I play the harmonica they say. It’s called humor!” Micke: “Almost the same beat as on ‘Puls’ and ‘Teena.’ I listened a lot to Max Weinberg (E-Street Band.) He’s a snappy guy…” Anders: The tape was found in the attic of EMI’s studio, at the bottom of a pile of archived crap. I wonder how it ended up there?” It was finally released on "Halmstads pärlor" in 1995. It may not be a top 40 song and quite unknown, but it's got a certain cuteness to it and that made our hearts melt! The lyrics seem to have to be written during the '81 summer tour. #gt40for40

Du är en gangster, älskling!

GT40 for 40. This is #37 of TDR's hand-picked list of songs from Gyllene Tider's career.