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  ★ TDR Archive for August 16th, 2019

TACK alla 254 233 personer som kom i sommar för att dansa sista dansen med oss!! ☀️ Det är över nu, men vi kommer ihåg alla dagar med er ❤️ Fortsätt att lyssna, dansa och sjunga med oss!


SVT Nyheter Halland

"Vi är synnerligen lyckligt lottade", säger bandet.

Wow! Wonderful version of Greensleeves by Helena Jay.


Greensleeves, trad. Interpreted by Helena Josefsson Inspired by Ralph Vaughan Williams Vocals & piano: Helena Josefsson Recorded by: Christoffer Lundquist, A...

Gyllene Tider

TACK alla 254 233 personer som kom i sommar för att dansa sista dansen med oss!! ☀️ Det är över nu, men vi kommer ihåg alla dagar med er ❤️ Fortsätt att lyssna, dansa och sjunga med oss!

Very nice indeed! Miss all of you already!!!!

GT40 - Tack för allt, Gyllene Tider! - thanx from the fans

This is a thank you video prepared for Gyllene Tider after their GT40 farewell tour. Fans from around the world contributed to it with their photos taken on ...

Massor med godis!

Gyllene Tider | Officiell Merchandise

Köp din merchandise direkt via Gyllene Tiders officiella webbshop. T-shirts, tygkassar med mera.

Gyllene Tider went "country" in 1984! Enjoy! /P.

Kiss From A Stranger (Out-take 'The Heartland Cafe')

Provided to YouTube by WM Sweden Kiss From A Stranger (Out-take 'The Heartland Cafe') · Gyllene Tider Andra Tider: Bonuslåtar och alternativa versioner 82-84...

Världens bästa bild?

Very nice indeed. Miss all of you already!

GT40 - Tack för allt, Gyllene Tider! - thanx from the fans

This is a thank you video prepared for Gyllene Tider after their GT40 farewell tour. Fans from around the world contributed to it with their photos taken on ...

Not our videoclip but still one of our favorite Rox-songs. How about you? /P.

Roxette - Paint (Music Video)

Another Roxette video clip made by yours truly. Don't own the copy write to this song.

Very nice indeed. Miss all of you already!

GT40 - Tack för allt, Gyllene Tider! - thanx from the fans

This is a thank you video prepared for Gyllene Tider after their GT40 farewell tour. Fans from around the world contributed to it with their photos taken on ...

Massor med godis!

Gyllene Tider | Officiell Merchandise

Köp din merchandise direkt via Gyllene Tiders officiella webbshop. T-shirts, tygkassar med mera.