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  ★ TDR Archive for August 13th, 2019

Badabam! /P.

Roxette - Sleeping Single


The Daily Roxette

We think this is the truth. What else?

This happened in Halmstad last Saturday. Gyllene Tider feat. Niklas Strömstedt ???✌ /PP

The Daily Roxette

We think this is the truth. What else?

The Daily Roxette

We think this is the truth. What else?

We think this is the truth. What else?

Per Gessle: GT50? Sounds like an old single malt whisky.

The Daily Roxette: Hej there Per, first of all congratulations to this, again, very successful tour. First question first (where else?): You're having a tight tour schedule, how big is your sleep deficit right now? Per Gessle: Hello you fool, I’m good. I was out of it for a couple of days when I