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  ★ TDR Archive for November 14th, 2018

Per and his tour visit rainy Helsinki

HELSINKI - Per Gessle had brought his band to Helsinki, Finland, in the most miserable November weather you can imagine. The concert was originally planned to a larger arena in the neighbouring city of Espoo, but moved and re-scheduled to Kulttuuritalo (Culture House) in the capital. Read the full story...

Helena in Fading Like a Flower. Stockholm Waterfront.

Finnair will continue their award-winning "Hear the Taste" campaign and they are launching it for their long-haul flights in Sweden. "Hear the Taste" concept aims to improve the taste of food served on flights through soundscapes. Finnair relies on Swedish expertise regarding music, that's why Per Gessle is also involved. Snippets from "The Look" will be used in the campaign. /PP Read more (in Finnish) here:

Finnair campaigns with Per Gessle! /PP

Per's 60 for 60. #60 Rädd. (Afraid) Alright, here we go! We hope you are as excited as we are. Here's the first song which is from the self-titled album Per Gessle released in 1983. Some of you may have heard this story already. The rest of Gyllene Tider was drafted into the army, but Per having "psychological problems" managed to duck. Instead he recorded his first "adult" album. Per doesn't mention this song in his lyrics book so there's no backstory to it. But reading the lyrics it's a standard Per song about a couple having relationship problems: She took the phone/and called a number/to another voice/she was hoping would understand/Wanted to listen/wanted to know one minute/of a long long life... The poor couple is scared. Their lives are shaken to the core. Afraid to feel/afraid to doubt/afraid to live/afraid to die/afraid to listen/afraid to think/afraid to wake up/afraid to plant a seed Seemingly they don't know what to do anymore. Who sings this song together with Per? #per60


Per's 60 for 60. This is #60 of TDR's hand-picked list of songs from Per Gessle's career.

Finnair campaigns with Per Gessle

Finnair announced their new campaign with Per Gessle. The largest airline of Finland will continue their award-winning “Hear the Taste” campaign and they are launching it for their long-haul flights in Sweden. “Hear the Taste” concept aims to improve the taste of food served on flights through soundscapes. It’s a scientific fact that sound affects ... Read more

Finally!!!! The Making of the SON OF A PLUMBER-album is on YouTube! Enjoy! /P.

PER GESSLE - The Making of the SON OF A PLUMBER-album!

PER GESSLE - The Making of the SON OF A PLUMBER-album! Follow Per Gessle: Website Facebook Twit...