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  ★ TDR Archive for October 7th, 2015

Dagen är här!! Nu finns äntligen Maries bok "Kärleken Till Livet" ute i din bokhandel! Vi hoppas att ni gillar den och önskar alle en härlig läsning!! //Team MF

Marie Fredriksson | Adlibris

"Jag vill bara säga som det är. Inget tjafs. Bara enkelt rakt på som det har varit.

Love for Life - a review

I cried reading this book. I cried a lot. Not for the obvious reasons though. I mean, the cancer is terrible and the radiation injuries maybe even worse, but that’s not what made me cry. What then?

WEDNESDAY UPDATE: Back in the saddle with MF. Third day of glorious vocals. Stay tuned, folks! /P.

Enjoy our review of Marie's biography. The book really touched this reviewer.

Love for Life - a review

I cried reading this book. I cried a lot. Not for the obvious reasons though. I mean, the cancer is terrible and the radiation injuries maybe even worse, but that’s not what made me cry. What then?

Love for Life – a review

I cried reading this book. I cried a lot. Not for the obvious reasons though. I mean, the cancer is terrible and the radiation injuries maybe even worse, but that’s not what made me cry. What then? Read the full story...

This is one of their best. Surely we all agree, right? "What's She Like?" from 1994.

Ghost Tracks: WHAT'S SHE LIKE?

FEATURE – Ghost Tracks is BACK! Series 2 of our 10-part special returns where we take a fun look back at some of the forgotten and rarely ever mentioned Roxette songs from their incredible 30 year history.

Ghost Tracks: WHAT’S SHE LIKE?

FEATURE – Ghost Tracks is BACK! Series 2 of our 10-part special returns where we take a fun look back at some of the forgotten and rarely ever mentioned Roxette songs from their incredible 30 year history. Read the full story...