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Author: Roxette Official
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Atención fans de @[124117970984196:274:Roxette Official] !!!

Se viene el DVD “Travelling The World” del popular dúo sueco y aquí puedes ver el trailer...

¿Qué te parece? — mit <a href="" data-ft="&#123;&quot;tn&quot;:&quot;;&quot;&#125;" data-hovercard="/ajax/hovercard/page.php?id=124117970984196&amp;extragetparams=%7B%22directed_target_id%22%3Anull%2C%22viewer_id%22%3A0%7D">Roxette Official</a> und 2 weitere Personen.

How many times have you watched the #Roxette DVD / Blu-ray trailer now? Cool, isn&#039;t it? /PP

Screenshots are from the trailer.

Gyllene Tider book is out in a week « Roxette Blog
Roxette news and blog

DVD/BLURAY COMMENT: Hey, I'm so happy EMI (Warner) found a solution to this German problem. Hope you all like the trailer. Lots of love to all of you from P.

And for all of you who can't view the YouTube-link. Here's the trailer for "Roxette live: Travelling the World" on Vimeo:

Roxette Live: Travelling The World - DVD Trailer
Publicerad den 8 nov 2013 Roxette Live: Travelling The World" / Out December 6th! (Documentary, live show and extras with Roxette!) Considering that Roxette is…

DVD/BLURAY UPDATE: The press release can be found here! /P.

Roxette - Travelling the world
Considering that Roxette is one of Scandinavia's most successful bands, it is really about time that there is a documentary about the band. And given that the group during its sensational comeback tour 2011-2012 played before 1.5 million ecstatic people in 46 countries, it is as much high time for a...

ROX DVD/BLURAY TRAILER UPDATE: Hope you like it! Such a shame you can't see it in Germany but we're working on it!!!! Fingers krozzed! /P.

”Roxette Live: Travelling The World” Documentary, live show and extras with Roxette! Worldwide release December 6th! Check out the trailer!

Roxette Live: Travelling The World - DVD Trailer

DVD/BluRay UPDATE: Tomorrow, Friday Nov 8, an official pressrelease and filmtrailer will be presented for your eyes and ears to enjoy. Stay tuned! /P.

GT BOOK UPDATE: Just saw the finished version of the brand new Gyllene Tider-book. She's a beauty! You, who are interested in this petite Swedish power pop combo, won't be disappointed. Promise! /P.

STUDIO UPDATE: Finito for this time! The black cat with the white nose just entered the studio with a dead mouse in his mouth! Time to go home and back to reality for us city boys! Thanx for hangin' in there, we're back in the studio next week! C&C says Hi btw! /P.

Yes yes, we like this. Still. From CBB, right? /P.

Roxette - I`m Sorry

STUDIO UPDATE: Magnus has left the building in style. We wish him a fabulous day! /P.

The dudes!

STUDIO UPDATE: Magnus finally arrived and brought his Blue Oyster Cult-records! /P.

Join the Joyride! /P.

STUDIO UPDATE WEDNESDAY: Waiting for Magnus!!! He'll be here any minute now. Busy day today! Lots of important cultural decisions to be made! /P.

STUDIO UPDATE: Strange extraterrestrial sound from one of the speakers in the studio. Turned out to be one of Chris's psychedelic cats locked in.... in one of the echo chambers (the one that's a replica of Phil Spector's.....). The poor cat must be insane by now. Locked in for three hours. Listening to Clarence whistling! /P.

STUDIO UPDATE: Excellent dinner a la The Lundquists. Kurt & Lisa on the table. Now Chris is getting ready for the autoharp! Clarence is in a funk mood! Hey, why not? /P.

STUDIO UPDATE: Lunch while watching the Yngwie Malmsteen Guitar Lesson-vid on YouTube. Chris should look swell in a cape. /P.

Brazil! Yea! /P.

Per Gessle - Brasil
Página com o melhor conteúdo sobre o Rei Sueco do Pop, Per Gessle (Roxette), confira informações, fotos e vídeos. Page with the best content on the Swedish King of Pop, Per Gessle (Roxette), check information, photos and videos.

STUDIO UPDATE: Clarence is back, barefoot, and is now whistling an intro. We need some assistance from the computer I'm afraid.... /P.

STUDIO UPDATE: Slow b-fast by the computer. Clarence needs a shoemaker desperately, his Oz shoes are leaking so he disappears into the void for a while. Chris jumps elegantly into the studio chair, coffee-mug in one hand, tiny kitten in the other. Time to smile. /P.

One of my favs. /P.

Roxette - Milk And Toast And Honey
Music video by Roxette performing Milk And Toast And Honey.

The party goes on and on! /P.

Fotos von Roxette Official
ahaha! ♥

Marie playing my old Gibson Les Paul Special (short neck). Hanging on the wall beside my right now at the Aerosol Weird Machine! /P.

Fotos von Roxette Official

Listen To Your Heart #1 in the US! Feels like yesterday! Thanx Johnny for keeping track! /P.

The Hot 100 : Nov 04, 1989 | Billboard Chart Archive
The week's most popular current songs across ... more all genres, ranked by radio airplay audience impressions as measured by Nielsen BDS, sales data as compiled by Nielsen SoundScan and streaming activity data from online music sources tracked by Nielsen BDS. Songs are defined as current if they ar...

CLARENCE SAYS: My favourite band nowadays are The HeeBeeGeeBees. That's all. /P.