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  ★ TDR Archive for August 10th, 2019

Verkar som det blir fullt hus i Halmstad ikväll igen! Yummy!

In these minutes, Gyllene Tider is entering the stage for their last ever Halmstad gig. Goosebumps! /K

Det är över nu! /K

Verkar som att det blir fullt hus i Halmstad ikväll igen! Yummy!

Fun in Ronneby! /K

Closer to Anders, closer to today's concert.... /K

Per in his white shirt. Soon on a stage near you. If you're in Halmstad, that is... /K

Biljetter via Live Nation Sweden:

Gyllene Tider's cover photo

Gyllene Tider

FREDRIKSTAD!! Wow! Vilken fantastiskt ynnest att få spela i er vackra stad och få den här responsen. Tack alla 10000+ som dök upp igår och sjöng och dansade med oss. Vilken kväll det blev, sköna spontana inpass från bandet blandat med enorm allsång från alla er! Svårt att toppa!!! Nu är vi tillbaka på hemmaplan i Halmstad och ska försöka avsluta GT40-turne'n med bravur ikväll på Brottet. Kommer att bli grymt! See ya there! /Love from GT. Foto från RoxBlog, A Roos fastnade i en kaffemaskin.

RoxBlog was there. Where else? /P.

Amazing band, great vibes in Fredrikstad! ? Sold out, of course! ✌ /PP

Not our videoclip. But I love this Bassflow remix of Sweet Hello. How about you? /P.

Roxette - The Sweet Hello, The Sad Goodbye '12 | Music Video

Roxette - The Sweet Hello, The Sad Goodbye '12 Exclusive music video Remix: Bassflow Remake EMI

This is the signature pose of this tour during the first song. Taken from the wrong side here. Or wasn't it? /K

And this would be the same pose, only this time taken from the correct side. Nobody is perfect. /K

Syd says "See you tonight!", and he means it! /K

RoxBlog was there. Where else?

Amazing band, great vibes in Fredrikstad! ? Sold out, of course! ✌ /PP

FREDRIKSTAD!! Wow! Vilken fantastiskt ynnest att få spela i er vackra stad och få den här responsen. Tack alla 10000+ som dök upp igår och sjöng och dansade med oss. Vilken kväll det blev, sköna spontana inpass från bandet blandat med enorm allsång från alla er! Svårt att toppa!!! Nu är vi tillbaka på hemmaplan i Halmstad och ska försöka avsluta GT40-turne'n med bravur ikväll på Brottet. Kommer att bli grymt! See ya there! /Love from GT. Foto från RoxBlog, A Roos fastnade i en kaffemaskin.

We had a very similar photo in our Ullevi report but I think this one is quite nice too. /K

This one is from Kalmar, the gig after Ullevi. /K

Anders during the very first gig of this tour in Halmstad. I still remember it was so wet the water dropped from the roof onto the stage even during the performance. Will it be different tonight? /K

Gyllene Tider – GT40 – Fredrikstad – 9th August 2019 – #18

Originally, Fredrikstad would have been the closing gig on the GT40 tour, even if no one believed Gyllene Tider should end their 40-year-long career in Norway. The concert was sold out quite fast, so it had to be moved to a bigger venue and yes, that got sold out soon too. 10000 people got hold ... Read more

Per about this photo: "Gyllene Tider at Ullevi. Have to have the antennas out!" He can be sooo right sometimes. /K

Here are 54340 happy people at Ullevi. Biggest concert of this tour! /K