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  ★ TDR Archive for March 28th, 2014

Very early stuff. This is from Swedish TV-show "Listan": Enjoy. /P.

Roxette I call your Name
Marie Fredriksson and Per Gessle are singing I call your name the first video. That song is from the Pearls of Passion album in 1986

Marie's guitarplayer on the road (not Chris!). Nice interview. /P.

Interview with Jokke Pettersson: "The tour has been super great so far!"
We met Jokke Pettersson, one of the two guitar players in Marie's band during the current tour, in Växjö some hours before the shows. As we've always tried with other band members and Rox&Co re...

The big shoe era! /P.

Photos of Roxette Official
So cute!!!!


Roxette - She's Got Nothing On (But The Radio)

Haven't seen this before! Have you? /P.

Roxette - Salvation
Salvation in TV4 - Sweden

Nice Miss Effe pic! /P.

Photos of Roxette Official

The who-put-ketchup-in-my-schampoo era! /P.

Photos of Roxette Official

The cool era! /P.

Photos of Roxette Official

Check out Sandshrew. Practice your svenska (and your tecchie crunch as well.)

Gabriel ”Sandshrew” Gessle: Kommer inte ge upp förrän jag nått toppen

Han är son till en av Sveriges största rockstjärnor genom tiderna. Men själv kan Gabriel Gessle inte sjunga och helst av allt vill han bli bäst i världen på Starcraft 2. I helgen g…