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  ★ TDR Archive for March 18th, 2013

Small Apartments Soundtracket finns på iTunes nu!

Nu finns “Man blir yr” äntligen ute på Spotify, iTunes och WiMP. #GTSOMMAR

Gyllene Tider

Man blir yr (7″)

Man blir yr, the new Gyllene Tider single, is released today and is available on international iTunes stores! Enjoy!

Gyllene Tider + new single is out = dizzy Monday!

Gyllene Tider’s first single out of “Dags att tänka på refrängen” – “Man blir yr” is out! And there is a lot going on around this release today. Here are some links and information: Gyllene Tider – radio visits today: 07:30 – Mix Megapol Göteborg (or here) 07:50 – Mix Megapol ”Äntligen Morron” (or here) […]