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  ★ TDR Archive for April 5th, 2011

[News] Fans and band members stay After School in Buenos Aires

2011: Roxette's "Charm School" tour

Luna Park, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Fans and band members stay After School in Buenos Aires

BUENOS AIRES – Immediately following last night’s sold-out concert, The Daily Roxette and Run to Roxette hosted an After School Party at the Dorsia nightclub in the trendy Puerto Madero district near Luna Park. Read the full story...

[News] UK Charm School winners announced

UK Charm School winners announced

In the Charm School competition EMI UK held two weeks ago, the winners have now been chosen: Nigel Barnes “I’ve got nothing on (but the radio), because…”Radio Oozes Xtraordinary Energy Through The Ears Andrea King “I’ve got nothing on (but the radio), because… …I refuse to get out of bed until I’ve won my fab new Roxette Charm School album – ‘Speak to me’ please and I’ll be ‘Sitting on top of the world’!” Read the full story...

Roxette on VidZone

The UK and Ireland keep promoting Roxette. Roxette has been on VidZone a while, but now there’s a special Greatest Hits feature you fans with PS3 need to view. Read the full story...

[News] Roxette on VidZone

Roxette to play Israel

According to Marie Fredriksson and Per Gessle are to perform at Tel Aviv’s Exhibition Grounds on October 22. Roxette is being brought to Israel by producer Shuki Weiss. The first tickets for the concert will be sold online for NIS 295 ($85). The price will later go up to NIS 370 ($107). “Several months […]

7 vids from Rox sold out bonanza in Buenos Aires out now on Facebook; ROXETTE OFFICIAL

Roxette plays to enthusiastic, sold out house in Buenos Aires

BUENOS AIRES — Luna Park was packed to the rafters tonight when Roxette took the stage shortly after 9pm. Read the full story...

[News] Roxette plays to enthusiastic, sold out house in Buenos Aires