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  ★ TDR Archive for March 2nd, 2010

More dates have been added to Roxette's summer schedule: August 8 - Skanderborg, Denmark August 21 - Stavanger, Norway Tickets to the Norway show go on sale Friday March 5, 09.00 on Billetservice.

Roxette on Skanderborg Festival in Denmark

Roxette will play on Smukfest (also know as Skanderborg Music Festival). The festival will take place between August 4th and 8th in a beech forest in the vicinity of Skanderborg. It has given it the name “Denmark’s Most Beautiful Festival” (Danmarks Smukkeste Festival). Roxette is the second international artist that was revealed today – British […]

[News] Roxette to play in Norway as well

Roxette to play in Norway and Denmark as well

(Updated) - The Norwegian newspaper Aftenbladet reported yesterday that Roxette will perform in Viste Strand pop festival in Stavanger August 21. Read the full story...