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  ★ TDR Archive for November 7th, 2005

Son of a Plumber will perform at 100-årsfesten (The 100 Year Party) in Oslo November 26.

Son of a Plumber will perform at 100-årsfesten (The 100 Year Party) in Oslo November 26. The 100-årsfest is a Norwegian celebration of being free of the union with Sweden for 100 years. Lots of Swedish and Norwegian artists will perform, and the Norweg...

Today the single was released to the radio in Sweden. So far Radio Rix has added Jo-Anna Says to their playlist.

Today the single was released to the radio in Sweden. So far Radio Rix has added Jo-Anna Says to their playlist. More info to follow. The single will be available in stores Nov. 9.

The new single by Son of a Plumber can already be found online.

The new single by Son of a Plumber can already be found online. Both songs are easily available in full, however, with periods of silence inserted. Most probably someone has ripped a prelistening CD. Per comments: "this is something you probably have ...

Son of a Plumber live in Norway

Per Gessle will perform Son of a Plumber material at 100-årsfesten (The 100th Anniversary Party) in Oslo on November 26. Read the full story...