Established in 1997
Remembrance book for Marie Fredriksson
Dear fellow friends, dear fans of Marie Fredriksson, dear Roxette fans, dear kind people in this world,
our friend Marie has passed away on December 9, and many, many people in the world are heartbroken and would like to express their feelings. Not everyone can do so on the social media, not everyone can do so by coming to Sweden and signing the official remembrance book laid out in Stockholm.
We want to collect your thoughts, your grieve, but also your finest memories with Marie here. Please write down what you always wanted to say to her, we will collect each single entry of yours, put them into one single book and send it over to Marie’s family to show them how much she made this world better through you.
Thank you.
[All entries made before January 1, 2020 were taken over for the book. You will still be able to add your messages now but we cannot consider them for the book to Marie’s family anymore as it has been printed by now.]
The Daily Roxette had one copy of the book printed early January 2020 and handed it over to Marie Dimberg, Roxette’s manager and a very good friend of Marie Fredriksson and her family, in Göteborg on January 20, 2020. The printed version of the book is nearly 800 pages thick and it has a white cover. Its title “Tack för allt Marie” (Thank you for everything Marie) is written in silver and red letters on its sleeve.
Here you see some quick photos of the book, sadly there has never been a chance to take proper photos of this one copy as it arrived just before the evening we headed to Göteborg for the “En kväll för Marie Fredriksson” show.
If you are interested, you can download a simplified version (the printed version contains a few more blank pages to separate the chapters, for instance) of the book with all entries right here.
The entries are sorted alphabetically by names, this file is also searchable.
Entries with non-latin character sets are at the very end of the book. Most URLs have been removed as they make little sense in a printed book.
Madelene Engh
from Sundsvall wrote on December 10, 2019 at 22:35
Roxette har följt mig genom livet. De har betytt och betyder oerhört mycket för mig. Det var min bror som introducerade detta fantastiska band för mig. Innan tyckte jag allt min bror lyssnade på var de bästa eftersom jag är lillasyster. Men med Roxette fick jag mina första och största idoler. När jag fyllde 11år (Augusti 1993) fick jag äntligen en egen CD spelare och min brors välspelade Tourism skiva med Roxette, som hade ett hack i sig. Det är fortfarande en av mina lyckligaste dagar.
Tack för den fantastiska musiken den kommer alltid leva!
Sov gott Marie Fredriksson ❤❤❤
from Belgrade, Serbia wrote on December 10, 2019 at 22:35
It just happened... exactly 31 years ago, when I first heard them, her... And for 31 years they are my favorite band and will be... Music was and is their life, without scandals they've become what they are... Their songs are the only thing that made them being respected, loved by their loyal fans, and recognized as most popular Swedish artists...
And it just happened that Marie left us, but songs she sang, both as Roxette and as solo artist, will for sure live on for a long long...
Rest in peace you strong lady, for you've been battling 17 years with horrible disease yet you found strength to record and perform until recent. It's time for you to rest, dear Marie...
Losing you... things will never be the same... ❤️?
Tim Tersluisen
from Dorsten wrote on December 10, 2019 at 22:35
May you rest in peace, Marie. You brought joy to so many lives, which you probably never knew. You colored so many youths wonderfully bright, which you probably never knew. God bless you and your family. We will miss you but keep you in our hearts,
from Bienos Aires wrote on December 10, 2019 at 22:35
Los conocí en 1992, cuando tenia 12 años. Desde alli sigo a Roxette hasta el dia de hoy. Marie era su lider, carismatica y con una voz unica. Fue el alma de Roxette. La vi las 2 ultimas veces que vinieron a buenos aires en el luna pak y fue un regalo que medió la vida. Hoy la lloro, fue parte de mi adomesencia, juventud y madures. Una parte de mi vida se va con ella. Hizo que mi juventud sea algo lindo para recordar. Dios los bendiga. Marie eterna en el recuerdo de todos sus fans. Una estrella mas en el cielo. Eterna en sus canciones. Saludo simencioso desde ARGENTINA?❤
Shelia E.Whittington
from Alamogordo wrote on December 10, 2019 at 22:35
I loved Marie’s voice. The world lost an amazing talent. She will be greatly missed.
from Auckland New zealand wrote on December 10, 2019 at 22:34
I had the pleasure of attending one of your shows and Auckland New Zealand I grew up listening to your music and you will be sadly missed you had such an amazing voice gone but not forgotten rest in peace
Jay Guna
from Woolloongabba, QLD wrote on December 10, 2019 at 22:33
A part of my childhood died with you.
Thank you for the lyrics, the music and the insipiration. What a voice! Thank you for helping me SURVIVE my teenage years. You have accompanied my most beautiful memories!
Our paths only crossed 3 times during your short life: Wembley arena (London 1996), Virgin store (NYC 2000) and Rogers arena (Vancouver 2012).
RIP Marie Fredriksson. "Things will never be the same"; you are the "Queen of Rain"??
Shawn Grice
from Melbourne wrote on December 10, 2019 at 22:33
So many teenage memories are associated with Marie Fredriksson’s vocals... I along with many others shed quite a few tears when you walked out on stage at Rod laver Arena back in 2015, what we saw that night was pure inspiration, determination, resilience... So frail, vulnerable yet so strong.
Today we shed those tears again and we celebrate everything you have given us, thank you.
RIP Marie
Laura Alarcon
from Argentina Mendoza wrote on December 10, 2019 at 22:33
My sweet angel voice, I discovered you when I was 11 years old, in an old TV listening and watching She's got the Look...after that you and Roxette changed my life forever and kept me reswarded from what my life was going to turn at 12 and so saved will sing with me in my heart until the end of my days!! Enjoy the Joyride Lovely Marie, Love Per, Love Roxette.
Beautiful things are coming our way.
from Hillegom wrote on December 10, 2019 at 22:32
Dear Marie,
Thank you for being such a big part of my life. Rest in peace.
Anabela Baptista
from Portugal wrote on December 10, 2019 at 22:32
Rip? ???
from Assen, The Netherlands wrote on December 10, 2019 at 22:32
You will be dreadfully missed. Condolences to your family, and friends
Martin Juru
from Prague wrote on December 10, 2019 at 22:32
Love and songs will continue to play. We will never forget.
Gisela Micono
from Buenos Aires. Argentina wrote on December 10, 2019 at 22:32
Gracias por ser parte de los mejores momentos de mi vida Siempre vas a estar en mi corazón. Hasta siempre Reina! ♥️
from Zürich wrote on December 10, 2019 at 22:32
Thank you Marie for the idol, which has fascinated and strengthened me for years. For the many concerts that I was able to experience with you. The highlight of four concerts in a week and a personal meeting in Zurich was incredible. Thank you for inspiring me to learn Swedish and make the many trips to Sweden to meet you there. Thank you also for the many touching moments with your music and the incredible energy your fans have been able to receive. When I saw you again a few years ago at the little Scheidegg, I realized how big your fight had to be to be on stage. Yesterday I saw our photos and had a strange feeling. Today I read the sad news that you got wings. RIP Marie Fredriksson, will always carry you in the heart ? # mariefredriksson
Koen Laenens
from Antwerpen wrote on December 10, 2019 at 22:32
Thank you for the fantastic music!
from Chudów / Poland wrote on December 10, 2019 at 22:32
Marie, dziękuję Ci za muzykę, za najpiękniejszy uśmiech i niebywały głos. W moim sercu pozostaniesz na zawsze. Kocham Cię.
Dobromir rusev
from Downham Market wrote on December 10, 2019 at 22:31
Thanks for great voice
Ben Hammer
wrote on December 10, 2019 at 22:31
Unforgettable moments, THANK YOU!
Best memory will be the 2015-concert in Amsterdam; my 6-yr old daughter was there as well, loving your songs and performance.
Things will never be the same!
All the best for your family, friends and especially Per.
Veronica Jarman
from Bargoed wrote on December 10, 2019 at 22:31
Amazing talent, grew up in the 80s listing to Roxette my favourite band. Only a week ago my husband put both look sharp and joy ride on my memory stick, been listing to these albums for the last past days forgot how good they were. Marie will be such a sad loss to many but remembered by millions all over the globe. ❤❤