Gyllene Tider to release new album in June
STOCKHOLM - As reported earlier today, Gyllene Tider is celebrating the release of "GT25 - Samtliga Hits" album today. The big news is that they are actually celebrating the release of two albums: June 2 they will release their brand new album with brand new songs, titled "Finn fem fel" ("Find Five Errors"). The album is being recorded in Christoffer Lundquist's studio in Vollsjö, Skåne, the same studio that baked "Mazarin".
The first single out of this album has the working title "Sitter på en sten vid en sjö i en skog" ("Sitting on a Rock by a Lake in a Forest"). The sound of the new album is close to the debut album's sound, or as Anders Herrlin - bass guitar, puts it "It sounds like how we wanted to sound in 1980…" Anders also adds that most of the songs ("16 so far", Per interjects) were recorded in less than half an hour. "We also decided that no other instruments were to be used than our own. The synthesizer sounds are actually all made by the Farfisa, for instance."
Also, the documentary "Återtåget '96" will be released on DVD this summer. Details are at this point unknown.
All the Gyllene boys are very happy with the celebration of their anniversary. Micke "Syd" - drummer: "This is so big that we cannot comprehend what's going on. We are truly overwhelmed."
It was also revealed that the opening acts during the GT25 Summer Tour will be Pugh Rogefeldt (the man who introduces Gyllene Tider on the EP "Swing & Sweet") and rap group The Latin Kings. The Gothenburg gig will be moved to Ullevi Stadium, instead of adding another concert. Ticket sales at the moment are up to 225,000, compared to the 301,256 tickets Återtåget generated in total.
The press conference opened with manager Marie Dimberg giving out the good news, after that Kjell Andersson and Lasse Lindbom talked about their memories of Gyllene Tider, and finally a short film was shown, showing Gyllene Tider during their career. "Weird that we even had a career looking like that!" Micke "Syd" Andersson said afterwards.

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March 24th, 2004
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