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  ★ TDR Archive of ‘TDR:Face to face’

Roxette – Back to the Future

PORT ELIZABETH - 5 PM. Friday, 5 February 2016. Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, Port Elizabeth, South Africa. 

I only seriously started thinking about this article in the queue while waiting for the gates to open. I recalled the first time I saw Roxette playing my home town, Port Elizabeth, 21 years ago during the “Crash! Boom! Bang!” tour. Read the full story...

Face to face: Per lets loose with TDR in Karlstad

KARLSTAD – It’s Friday evening, just an hour before the Gyllene Tider concert in Karlstad, Sweden begins. Read the full story...

Face to face with Christoffer Lundquist. Pt. 11: “I should tell you one other thing that never gets mentioned in the interviews”

K: In the meantime, after more than 100 concerts, it must have turned into a stable job for you already and you know, from 8 PM to 11 PM I’ll have to work. Read the full story...

Face to face with Christoffer Lundquist. Pt. 10: “The audience should feel that this is not entirely safe”

Christoffer playing the guitar for Roxette. Photo taken by Justyna, available in the official Roxette tour programme K: Are you the one who does the tour arrangements?C: Read the full story...

Face to face with Christoffer Lundquist. Pt. 9: “Remixes don’t say anything to me”

Keys, keys, keys… K: Clarence himself told us he is not happy with quite a few songs that he has made in his career. Read the full story...

Face to face with Christoffer Lundquist. Pt. 8: “So yes, Per saw the mouse”

Gubbens hus, the place to get some sleep. Or not. K: Eurythmics?C: Hehehehe, yeah, sure! Read the full story...

Face to face with Christoffer Lundquist. Pt. 7: “That was very, very unnatural for me”

K: When you published your latest album, somewhen there came the point when you had to enter the limelight, had to do promotion for your music, go to TV shows, you had that session here in the studio. Read the full story...

Face to face with Christoffer Lundquist. Pt. 6: “You’re ruining my favorite song!”

Christoffer Lundquist and Kai of TDR K: Okay. We are one step too much in the future already. Read the full story...

Face to face with Christoffer Lundquist. Pt. 5: “That was the best musical moment of my life!

Päron guards the yard K: Which brings us to the next step: “Junk”, the opera. Read the full story...

Face to face with Christoffer Lundquist. Pt. 4: “I would like to be able to write lyrics”

AGM is where creativity resides K: How was your attitude to Roxette at this time? Read the full story...

Face to face with Christoffer Lundquist. Pt. 3: “The clothes they gave me were designed for women”

K: I agree. Now back to your study times. You studied one year of philosophy, one year of English.C: Read the full story...

Face to face with Christoffer Lundquist. Pt. 2: “My family home is only books”

Päron, Justyna and Christoffer Lundquist K: No, no. We only ask questions… So. Read the full story...

Face to face with Christoffer Lundquist. Pt. 1: “You turn up the volume, ha ha!” and a guided tour through the AGM studio

The Aerosol Grey Machine in the sun Fields, forests, some hills, cows and the sea. Read the full story...

Face to face with Clarence Öfwerman. Pt. 5: “I’m a nobody here. That’s nice.”

Clarence Öfwerman: “We all behave very well. Most of the time.” J: I would like to ask you something about the Roxette song book.K: Read the full story...

Face to face with Clarence Öfwerman. Pt. 4: “That’s why I started wearing hats”

Clarence Öfwerman: “I like this gang.” K: Do you think that computers made it more difficult to make music?C: Read the full story...

Face to face with Clarence Öfwerman. Pt. 3: “It’s Possible? I don’t like this song”

K: Were you running out of ideas?C: I don’t know really. I think, it came with success. Read the full story...

Face to face with Clarence Öfwerman. Pt. 2: “I never talked to Per about it”

K: When was the point you started producing music?C: I think it was during those years when we recorded in the studio with different people. Read the full story...

Face to face with Clarence Öfwerman. Pt. 1: “I had an accident with a train, a train hitting me”

Clarence Öfwerman Saturday afternoon. The day after we met Pelle Alsing. We’re sitting on the same bench as yesterday. Read the full story...

Face to face with Pelle Alsing. Pt. 3: “I wanted to be like Ringo Starr”

Pelle Alsing: “I don’t know what I’m doing next summer.” K: Yes, what does actually happen backstage in the break before the encore?P: Read the full story...

Face to face with Pelle Alsing. Pt. 2: “I’m in Hong Kong… but where am I in the song?”

Pelle Alsing talking with The Daily Roxette K: When you work with somebody, how much influence do you have on the music you’re playing? Read the full story...

Face to face with Pelle Alsing. Pt. 1: “I’ve been walking the dog two times and now I’m here”

Pelle Alsing face to face with Justyna Bereza Contemplating appointments with Pelle Alsing is easy. Read the full story...

Face to face with Marie Dimberg. Last part: “I like to see my friends”

K: Let me switch topics, just like us guys do… When one of your artists says he would like to do a new album, what’s the process of it? Read the full story...

Face to face with Marie Dimberg. Pt. 3: “Communication is the way to save the world”

Marie Dimberg at her desk in Stockholm K: Going back to the past again… your work at EMI certainly was not a nine-to-five job. Read the full story...

Face to face with Marie Dimberg. Pt. 2: “You have to reach the girls and the gays”

Marie Dimberg and two reporters for TDR K: In this office, you’re also working for Peter Jöback who is at the moment playing in a musical…D: Yes, he is doing The Phantom Of The Opera for another week.K: Read the full story...

Face to face with Marie Dimberg. Pt. 1: “It’s very frustrating”

The former headquarters of Roxette’s management in Stockholm STOCKHOLM – She is one of the most respected persons of the Roxette camp: Marie Dimberg, the manager of the band. Read the full story...