Become a good reporter and write for TDR!

  ★ Everyone can be a Good Reporter.

“She’s such a good reporter!”, Per once sung very correctly and now it’s your turn to join in.

We want your stories, your views, your concert photos, your experiences. It’s really easy and through The Daily Roxette you can reach many Roxette fans all over the world. Please go ahead and share your thoughts with others. If you plan to do a concert review, please contact us ahead so we can try to arrange some help for you.



You can either:



…send us an email:


  [email protected]




If you want to add photos, please make sure that you own the rights to them and that the images are at least 1200 px wide.



…or use the form below:


Just fill in the fields, attach a file or two and push the Send button. We’ll receive your story straight away and we will try to put it up as soon as possible.



  •   Please don't publish my name.
      It's okay for me to have my name published.
  • Please write your story in the text area below.
  • Almost done. If you want, upload your files here. Please observe that each file cannot contain more than 10 MB. It does make sense to use the .zip format for uploading.
  • Then click the button ...



Thank you very much!

The Daily Roxette team