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  ★ TDR Archive of ‘TDR:Editorial’

Gyllene Tider “Hux Flux”: The review

Gyllene Tider came up with an unexpected new album and it was officially released today. The title: "Hux Flux" which roughly translates to Just like that. Enjoy the TDR tastebuds at work reviewing the album. Read the full story...

Per Gessle 40!

Today it's 40 years ago this little jewel was released. Time certainly flies... I remember buying this at the Lilla Huset record store here in Ljusdal, and it feels like... last month? I think it cost something like 48 SEK. Last week I bought the "Chans" single and it was 169 SEK. Read the full story...

TDR tastebuds review PG Roxette’s very first album: “Pop-Up Dynamo!”

Well here it finally is, the illusive album we’ve been hearing about for more than two years. Now the big question is: was it worth the wait? Short answer: Yes. Here’s why: Read the full story...

Puls turns 40

Gyllene Tider’s ”Puls” turns 40! Yes indeed it does, even though it feels like a few years ago it was released. Read the full story...

Per Gessle owned Gävle

GÄVLE - The third gig on the fall tour took place in Gävle, the most northern part of the "Swedish" tour. Which in reality means that more than 60 % of Sweden is left without Per. Read the full story...

The epic album Pearls of Passion turns 35

35 years ago a very important album was released. Important how you may wonder? Did it sell millions? Did it make waves? Was it extensively talked about? Read the full story...

Per’s secret master plan finally revealed

Have you ever wondered about album titles like Look Sharp!, Tourism, HAND or Travelling but somehow these songs never existed? Here is why! Read the full story...

Joyride the album 30 years

Roxette's extremely successful album "Joyride" turns 30 years old today. We will share some thoughts about the album, what it meant to us. A review of the box will come this fall. Read the full story...


Micke Syd 60!

Micke Syd Andersson - born in Harplinge, today in 1961! The prankster of Gyllene Tider has finally matured. (Or has he?) Read the full story...

Gyllene Tider – Moderna Tider 40 year anniversary

Yikes, what happened? I remember succumbing to the album, hating it from the beginning, but Sweden’s only radio station P3, and Sweden's only TV channel played the album literally back to back all day long so what could you do? Read the full story...

Joyride 30 year anniversary!

Today is no ordinary day. No today it's 30 years ago "Joyride" was released. And what a smash it was! Read the full story...

Roxette’s drummer Pelle Alsing passed away yesterday

Per Gunnar Alsing, known to us as Pelle, Roxette's drummer for many years both in the studios and on tour, passed away yesterday. Read the full story...

A quick Trix 2 update

Thanks for all the comments on the article.  It’s been really interesting to read all of them. Read the full story...

Bag of Trix – Part 2 – Volumes 5 – 8 The Lost Songs

Now that the Bag of Trix is finally out in the world, it’s made me think about how lucky we are as fans, in the respect that Per is just as big of a geek as we all are when it comes to loving demos, alternative and live recordings, remixes and outtakes.   Read the full story...

Roxette – Bag of Trix – volume 4

This is the end, or is it? The final installment of the fine Bag of Trix. Today the boxes are released. Read the full story...

Roxette – Bag of Trix – volume 3

The third installment of Per’s - or Roxette’s - Bag of Trix has landed. Read the full story...

Roxette – Bag of Trix – volume 2

Well here it is, Volume 2 of this incredible project that Per Gessle has treated us with. We truly are lucky that someone like Per cares enough about the fans and the Roxette legacy that he’s rewarding us with a collection of intriguing recordings that most artists would never bother with. Read the full story...

Per Gessle – Gammal kärlek rostar aldrig – the chat

This is Per’s 10th solo album. He’s really working on a totally different album, an English power-pop one. Then this terrible Corona pandemic showed up and stopped most everything. Read the full story...

A trip down memory lane, in the US

31 years ago, my life changed forever. Four months ago, it unexpectedly changed again. This is a reflection on how a love of music forever altered my life. Read the full story...

WHO ROX Stage 2 – Make a demo

Vote for your favourite demos! Read the full story...

WHO ROX Stage 1 – Pick the song

Time for the first poll, everyone is invited! [Poll is closed now] Read the full story...


Welcome to WHO ROX!

So many creative heads among the Roxette fans! We of The Daily Roxette think it's time to unleash their power and make a good song even better. Read the full story...

Ten Plus One: TDR Honors Marie Fredriksson

How on earth do you pay tribute to someone who narrated the soundtrack of your life? Read the full story...

Roxette Tambourine Charity Christmas Auction

Check it out! Auction runs to Dec 27, UPDATE: 50% go to Cancerfonden Read the full story...

Marie FredrikssonMarie Fredriksson

One week

"Our dead are never dead to us, until we have forgotten them." (George Eliot) Read the full story...

Marie Fredriksson of Roxette has died

It is with great sadness we have to announce that Marie Fredriksson of Roxette has passed away in the morning of December 9, following a 17-year long battle with cancer. Read the full story...

Gyllene Tider shopping guide for Xmas 2019

It's this time of the year again when "oops" suddenly it's Xmas tomorrow, so here is your ultimate shopping guide. You're welcome! Read the full story...

TDR presents: Gyllene Tider GT40: The Unofficial Tour Book 2019

Last year's book was a success, so we thought: Let's make this a habit! Read the full story...

Farväl och tack Gyllene Tider!

As we prepare to launch our GT40 for 40 countdown, Paul says thanks to the 5 guys from the Swedish West Coast! Read the full story...

Gyllene Tider in Halmstad – It’s a wrap

HALMSTAD - What more can you say about this truly amazing ride? It's been a joyride compared to nothing else. Not really talking about the 40 years here, even if that fits too. Read the full story...

Per Gessle’s Roxette – a review

Another tour, another book/DVD? Yes this has been true before, and surely it will continue that way. But there's no one putting a gun against your head telling you to buy them, right? Read the full story...

Gyllene Tider’s set list 2019

Let's analyze the set list a little. If you compare this year to 1996, 2004 and 2013 you get a rather nice view over Gyllene's vision. Right off the bat I would say all these tours have "Singles" in common. I'll save that for a later date though. Read the full story...