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Author: Roxette Official
  ★ All articles by Roxette Official

Such a wonderful song. And video. 1969 was on a roll! /P.

Wallace Collection - Daydream HQ (1969)

If you're using Spotify..... check out my playlist of favourite songs. EASY LISTENING BY PG. I originally made it for Hotel Tylösand but realized it was too good not to spread around in this day and age. I update it all the time. And yes yes, I know, too many songs. Can't help myself... Cheers, P.

Hey, it's Sunday. Time for a ballad, don't u think? This one I totally forgot about. Can't even remember to which album we recorded it!!! Do you know? Maybe the info is in some liner notes somewhere..... However, it's not that bad... We never liked it very much for some reason that's hidden in the shadows! /P.

Roxette - Making Love To You

Sorry for the quality cause I'm still learning how to make videos.... lol This is a wonderfoul Roxette's song that touch deep in my heart.

Friday Fun. Berlin October 2011. Were u there? Pic by Kai-Uwe Heinze.

Tourists in Amsterdam 1989. /P.

Busy day in Rox history! ? Today 27 years ago songs from studios, stages, hotelrooms & other strange places were released. ? "Tourism" became Roxette’s 4th studio album. ? Which is your No. 1 ballad and No. 1 uptempo track on the album? ? /PP Listen to Tourism here:

Meeting some curious media people in 1989. Where's the coffee? /P.

Still summer here and there! /P.

Roxette - June Afternoon (Official Video)

Music video by Roxette performing June Afternoon.


This limited edition book incl DVD is sold out now from the publisher. There might be some copies left at ginza or bengans etc. Thanks everyone for buying, hope you're enjoying it! /P.

When the day gets dark...... nice one..... /P.

Roxette - (Do You Get) Excited?

Music video by Roxette performing (Do You Get) Excited?.

Nice. From the Small Town Talk-album. /P.

Per Gessle Far Too Close (A fan video)

Beautiful song Far Too Close from Per Gessle and Savannah Church. Movie scenes from My Sassy Girl movie.


Roxette - Fading Like A Flower

Music video by Roxette performing Fading Like A Flower (Every Time You Leave).

RoxBlog was there!

One last sista dansen! Gyllene Tider rocked the roof of the Opera in Oslo! ??✌ /PP

For your ears only!

The 9 best songs from 1971 according to Gessle! /PP Listen to or download from here: Pic by Anders Roos


Roxette - She's Got Nothing On (But The Radio) [Official Music Video]

Music video by Roxette performing She's Got Nothing On (But The Radio). (P) 2011 The copyright in this audiovisual recording is owned by Roxette Recordings u...

Very nice indeed. Miss all of you already!

GT40 - Tack för allt, Gyllene Tider! - thanx from the fans

This is a thank you video prepared for Gyllene Tider after their GT40 farewell tour. Fans from around the world contributed to it with their photos taken on ...

Not our videoclip but still one of our favorite Rox-songs. How about you? /P.

Roxette - Paint (Music Video)

Another Roxette video clip made by yours truly. Don't own the copy write to this song.

Nice. Thanks!

Tack för allt Gyllene Tider! - Thank you video and notes from fans around the world! ??? /PP

Badabam! /P.

Roxette - Sleeping Single


The Daily Roxette

We think this is the truth. What else?

Your cuppa tea? /P.

Shelter from the Storm

Provided to YouTube by BMG Rights Management GmbH Shelter from the Storm · Mono Mind Mind Control ℗ 2019 Elevator Entertainment AB under exclusive license to...

The Daily Roxers were there.

The Daily Roxette

Thank you guys, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. <3

You have to start somewhere.... /P.

Roxette - Neverending Love

Music video by Roxette performing Neverending Love (Video).

The RoxBloggers made it in time!

The very last Gyllene Tider gig in Sweden happened in Halmstad last night! A most emotional one it was! ??? /PP

RoxBlog was there. Where else? /P.

Amazing band, great vibes in Fredrikstad! ? Sold out, of course! ✌ /PP

Not our videoclip. But I love this Bassflow remix of Sweet Hello. How about you? /P.

Roxette - The Sweet Hello, The Sad Goodbye '12 | Music Video

Roxette - The Sweet Hello, The Sad Goodbye '12 Exclusive music video Remix: Bassflow Remake EMI

RoxBlog was there!

The more concerts they play, the better they are! ? 2 shows left! ? Get your ticket for the last one! The 2nd to last is sold out! ? /PP

Guitars are good for you! /P.

Roxette - She Doesn't Live Here Anymore (Official Video)

Music video by Roxette performing She Doesn't Live Here Anymore.

The RoxBloggers were there. In the front row as always. Chewing on guitarpicks! /P. PS. Have to agree.... Kalmar + Ronneby were fab!!!!

Gyllene Tider – GT40 – Ronneby – 6th August 2019 – #16 – RoxetteBlog

Gyllene Tider – GT40 – Ronneby – 6th August 2019 – #16 August 7, 2019 by Patrícia Peres I remember when on 19th July a few other fans and me were already at the venue in Ronneby and had been waiting for the GT show that night. At a moment I checked my e-mails and couldn’t believe my eyes....

The Daily Roxette

Gyllene was there!

RoxBlog was there!

Tight band, loud crowd, great sound, dancing security people! ? Kalmar was fab! ? /PP