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  ★ TDR Archive for April 11th, 2014

Marie in Gävle – top notch

GÄVLE - Going into the final, northern, part of the tour Marie visited Gävle in the middle of Sweden tonight. Read the full story...

Marie Fredriksson in Gävle tonight. One of the best concerts this tour according to many. Read more on TDR later!

Gyllene Tider’s energetic company gig

Yesterday (better said today) at about 0:45 am CET, out of the blue there was a post on Roxette Official written by Per that Gyllene Tider gave a 1-hour-long concert at Berns in Stockholm. My first thought was: WTF? I’ve just come home from there and now they are playing in the city? Then I […]

2014: Marie Fredriksson: Sweden tour

Konserthus, Gavle, Sweden

Gyllene Tider: other performances

Stockholm, Berns, Sweden

Dangerous live in Barcelona 2001! Enjoy + have a fab weekend! /P.

Roxette - Dangerous (Live In Barcelona 2001)

Time flies when you're having fun! /P

Photos of Roxette Official

The golden era. /P.

Photos of Roxette Official

FRIDAY UPDATE: Chris is on his way to Marie's gig in Gävle so mixing is done for now. Me? I'm on my way to the a.i.r.p.o.r.t. /P.

GT LAST NITE: Short clip by Miss Dim /P.

PICTURE FROM YESTERDAY'S GT-GIG: Miss Dee held the camera.

FRIDAY UPDATE: Songs played last nght: 1 JJA 2 Det hjärta som brinner 3 Puls 4 Sjömän 5 Marie i växeln 6 Ljudet 7 Buddy Holly 8 Leva Livet 9 Tylö Sun Extras: 10 Gå&F 11 NAVGH Extra extra due to the extremely loud noise from the very generous crowd 12 Sommartider /P.

Leva livet – Gyllene Tider
TDR's current findings

Uploaded by vannasby

THURSDAY UPDATE: Had a wonderful time playing a one hour gig w/ Gyllene Tider at Berns in Stockholm. The annual DFL party. Invitation only this time. No rehearsals, just a quick soundcheck. Those songs are in our DNA..... /P.