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  ★ TDR Archive for October 4th, 2006

“One Wish” promoted on front page of newspaper in Spain

MADRID - Promotion for Roxette's new single "One Wish" has already started in Spain and, in fact, is in high gear at the moment.   Commuters travelling to work this morning were greeted with a big, full-color Roxette picture on the cover of one of Spain's most-read newspapers, the free 20 Minutos (which is distributed for free in a similar fashion to Metro in many countries or Heute in Austria).   An article inside reports about Roxette's new release and comeback, and invites readers to visit the newspaper's website today and tomorrow to view the video version of Roxette's new single "One Wish."   The newspaper is read by an average of two million people daily and can be picked up at subway stations and universities.   The single also started to be heard on the main radio stations last week and, as some TDR readers have reported, was sold out in some stores. Read the full story...


One Wish (CDS)