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The Aerosol Grey Machine. A little higher resolution than in the articles. Stay tuned, we still have a few interesting stories to tell.

[News] Face to face with Christoffer Lundquist. Pt. 9: “Remixes don’t say anything to me”

[News] Face to face with Christoffer Lundquist. Pt. 8: “So yes, Per saw the mouse”

The soundtrack to Small Apartments will be released on EMI Parlophone and “very soon” according to the writer of the music. There’s also whispers about vinyl…

[News] Face to face with Christoffer Lundquist. Pt. 7: “That was very, very unnatural for me”

[News] Face to face with Christoffer Lundquist. Pt. 6: “You’re ruining my favorite song!”

So, the docu is called ‘It All Begins Where It Ends’. The DVD is called ‘Travelling The World – Roxette Live 2012’

In tonight’s episode of the TDR Advent calendar we’ll learn how do drive Per mad by using influences of Phil Collins and Lenny Kravitz. Interesting story ahead, dear Daily Roxers.

Rox rocks the House of Blues in Baston.

It All Begin Where It Ends, a teaser. Swedish only and no subs…

Klipp: Roxette | SVT Play

Efter att Marie Fredriksson drabbats av en hjärntumör 2002 var vägen till återhämtning lång och ingen kunde ana att Roxette nästan tio år senare skulle återuppstå och ge sig ut på världsturné igen.

[News] Face to face with Christoffer Lundquist. Pt. 5: “That was the best musical moment of my life!

[News] For you who don’t have Facebook

Per just revealed the title of the new docu: It all begins when it ends!

[News] Face to face with Christoffer Lundquist. Pt. 4: “I would like to be able to write lyrics”

[News] Face to face with Christoffer Lundquist. Pt. 3: “The clothes they gave me were designed for women”

[News] Face to face with Christoffer Lundquist. Pt. 2: “My family home is only books”

Christoffer not only works for Per but also for many other artists. Among others, Luke Jackson, a British-Canadian singer-songwriter who produced his latest album “…And Then Some” at the AGM together with Christoffer, Magnus and Jens Jansson. There’s a booklet on with photos of them all. Corina was looking for this video, btw.

More AGM cat content. Thank you, Corina!

[News] Face to face with Christoffer Lundquist. Pt. 1: “You turn up the volume, ha ha!” and a guided tour through the AGM studio

If this cat could speak, all the secrets of Christoffer’s studio would be revealed. Well, cats don’t speak, so we spoke to Chris himself. Open a super large door for a little more content than usual. (photo: Justyna B.)

[News] In a wonderful balloon – a review

[News] Face to face with Clarence Öfwerman. Pt. 5: “I’m a nobody here. That’s nice.”

Clarence declares that he is not involved in terrorist activities. More insights in the tour planning in a very short while. You know where? 🙂

Magnus never sleeps. Great movie, btw!

[News] Face to face with Clarence Öfwerman. Pt. 4: “That’s why I started wearing hats”

If you want to know who told Clarence to wear green trousers on stage, check in around two hours. Just a hint: the person is part of the TDR Advent calendar… 😉 (screenshot from the EHM DVD kindly taken by Justyna B.)